The Center of Excellence for Trace Analysis and Biosensor (TAB-CoE) began with the establishment of the Trace Analysis and Biosensor Research Center (TAB-RC) in 2008. At that time, members of TAB-RC consisted of researchers from the Faculty of Science, Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Technology and Environment by combining two research units together, which was the Research Unit for Analytical and Environmental Chemistry/Trace Analysis and the Unit Research in Biophysics: Biophysics Research Unit: Biosensors and Biocurrents. The aim of TAB-RC was to expand research and education in these two fields, which focused on sample preparation and analysis techniques based on chromatography and biosensors that can be applied to industry, health care, food and environmental monitoring. Requested to be approved last year, the Center of Excellence for Trace Analysis and Biosensor (TAB-CoE) was established on 1 August 2018. TAB-CoE has been focused on developing novel sample preparation techniques and analytical methods, which are suitable for trace analysis, especially contaminants or residues in environmental samples, raw materials or products from industrial processes including medical applications.

Inviatation to attend TAB–CoE Research Forum #7

The workshop entitled “Miniaturized and green sample preparation techniques for organic compounds contamination in food and drink samples”