Invitation to join at the ASEAN-ASSET 2023: Global Summit on the Future of Future Food and the organizing committee, hope you can join to contribute to the great debate about the future of future food.
Organized by the National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC), along with other prestigious universities. The way we produce food has to change to meet these challenges and calls for new ways of thinking and acting. Our future protein supply must come from a more diverse range of sources to ensure sustainability and the nutritional needs of the world’s growing population.
Our Global summit seeks to bring about high-level discussions and debate about:
– How our future protein needs can be supplied through innovative thinking
– How the application of cutting-edge science and technology will support future food production
– What the major risks are in terms of introducing new food safety risks
Theme of the conference: Global Protein Integrity
Sub themes:
• Sub-theme 1: Frontiers in future food
• Sub-theme 2: Safety of future food
• Sub-theme 3: Industrial and educational partnership for future food
• Sub-theme 4: Current and future trendsFor more information;
Visit the link