Invitation to join at The 23rd International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis and Related Techniques (ICFIA2024) and the organizing committee, hope this conference series has become a place where researchers in this field can strengthen friendships and discuss future work in a relaxed atmosphere.
Organized by the Research Center for Innovation in Analytical Science and Technology for Biodiversity-based Economic and Society and Japanese Association for Flow Injection Analysis (JAFIA). The conference will take place from December 3rd –7th, 2024, in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Some selected presentation will be considered for publication in Thailand and more journals;
1. TALANTA* confirms a Special issue (ISI/Scopus Q1)
2. Chiang Mai Journal of Science* (ISI/Scopus Q3)
3. Science Essence Journal * (TCI 1)
4. KKU Science Journal* (TCI 2)
More details, please see on website;
Face Book; “ICFIA 2024”